In the cyclical nature of the Universe there are two opposing principals, Entropy and Syntropy. To understand syntropy, it is useful to understand its opposing force, entropy.
The Principle of Entropy has effects that are easy to understand and observe. According to this Principle, all organized forms of matter require more energy than those that are less organized. These organized forms will loose their order and initial energy, unless they are constantly nourished by energy. Plants need water and sunlight to grow (energy); when that is deprived they begin to breakdown. A new car will fall apart unless energy is applied to maintain it, and a business that doesn’t put energy into maintaining itself will close its doors. As life forms age their systems lose energy becoming less efficient allowing for disease and illness to set in. The tendency of nature, systems, and organisms to loss energy and become disorganized over time, essentially the law of death is entropy.
Entropy’s opposing force however, is Syntropy. This Principle is much harder to notice, the best example of which, is life itself. It is the law of order and organization, finality and differentiation, the ability to attract, evolve and bring together ever-increasing complex forms creating something new. A new galaxy forming from the ruins of an older galaxy, building a business, and the bringing together of individual cells to create an organism are all examples of the syntropic nature of the Universe. Consciousness focusing energy to create and maintain a system, the law of life is Syntropy.
In an organism the degree of internal disorganization is entropy and the level of internal organization is syntropy. The sum of these two quantities represents the level of health of an organism in the present and the transformation potential for the evolution of that system or organism.
As far as health is concerned, the more energy we have available to maintain and balance our various systems, the greater our health benefits will be. But if we are overly stressed, in chronic pain, mentally and emotionally drained, most of our energy is being used to sustain these negative states. This means much less energy for our healing and growth processes. Over time an organism's systems begin to break down, dis-ease sets in and entropic forces overtake the syntropic forces until death occurs.
The holistic healing model integrates the whole person in the healing process: body, emotion, mind, and spirit, all of which are different forms of energy. A holistic approach utilizes non-invasive treatments and natural healing techniques to ultimately change the energy associated with disease and dysfunction, bringing balance and a higher degree of homeostasis to the patient.
Aside from practitioner’s treatments, a major aspect of holistic healing is the patient’s active participation in the process. The outcome is subject to the patient’s personal desire, intent, and follow-through in their healing process. Self-healing by means of a balanced diet, exercise, adequate rest, and stress release techniques to name a few are imperative for anyone wanting to heal themselves and become more whole.
Syntropy Energetics is an integrative approach to health and wellness, which utilizes holistic therapeutic modalities and life practices to bring about change in a client. These healing techniques work with different energies of the body at the different layers and levels in which they manifest. Primal Reflex Release Technique (PRRT), works with the physical body, utilizing reflexes to quickly release pain, tension, and stress. Subtle energy healing accesses our subtle energy fields to create instant change at these primary levels of organization. Biodynamic Cranial Touch is a means to access the different levels of consciousness associated with energy, allowing it to return the client to a state of wholeness.
Syntropy vs. Entropy
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